We will be kicking off fortnightly swimming nights during the off-season at Katoomba Pool from Friday May 3. Start time will be 6:30pm, but best get there a little earlier if you can to get entries in so we can hit the water on time.

With the smaller number of families who are likely to attend these nights, it is vital that parents assist. These nights are intended to keep our swimmers active through the colder months – we won’t have any points or awards, but we will distribute results so swimmers can keep track of their progress.

The winter season dates that we’re intending to run are:

May: 3rd, 17th and 31st
June: 14th and 28th
July: 12th (*to be confirmed – school holidays) and 26th
August: 9th and 23rd
NOTE: The July 12 date is tentative, depending on indications of likely attendance.