We take great pleasure in inviting you to the Presentation and AGM of Lawson Amateur Swimming Club including election of the club’s 2024-25 committee. It will be held in the auditorium at Lawson Bowling Club from 6:30pm on Saturday May 25.

We hope that you and your family can join us to celebrate the achievements of our Club, share in the presentation of awards and elect our new committee. In previous years, we’ve had a “bring a plate” supper following the presentation. This year, the Bowling Club requests that we don’t bring hot food, but cold food (chips, cakes, etc) are OK. The Kokomo Cafe is now operating at the Bowling Club and will be serving food that night, so please consider supporting them if you’re able.

Lawson Bowling Club Auditorium
Saturday 25th May 2024
Arrive 6:30pm for AGM at 7:00pm sharp,
followed by award presentations.

AGM Notice: All of the Club’s existing committee positions are open to nominations. If you would like to nominate for an existing position, or would like to be a general member of the club’s committee for the 2024-25 season, please contact the club by email. If more than one nomination is received for any position, a vote will be carried out for that position at the AGM.

Our 2023-24 AGM Handbook, containing the meeting agenda, the minutes from last year’s AGM and our club’s financial reports are available for download here.

To save on paper and printing costs, we will only be printing a small number of these for the night.